Saturday, February 14, 2009

What's in a song?

On my way home tonight, from a great night out with the young adults from church, Zeke and I were listening to a CD in the car, and singing along, when I stopped and started to think about the lyrics that I was singing. I thought to myself, how did these words get put together and end up as a song? What made the author of this song, write these words?
Did they experience something that they wrote out and wanted to share? Did they see a need for others to hear it and relate to it? Was it their feelings; their thoughts and ideas; their understanding of it, or perhaps a misunderstanding of it? I don't know...but what I do know is that the lyrics of a song can change a persons life, their perspectives, their feelings.

Now I'm not just talking about christian songs (which Zeke & I did happen to be listening to), I'm talking about secular songs too. We hear songs about men being cheaters & liers, and women are spoken of as objects, the world is seen as corrupt, there's hatred, misinterpretation, under valuing of relationships, does this make us feel? Do these songs change our thinking about each other, about our value in society? I'm sure they do for some people. And yet we still are happy to sing along to the radio...half the time, not even realising what we're singing.

Mark 4:24 (MSG) – “Listen carefully to what I {Jesus} am saying, and be wary of the shrewd advice that tells you how to get ahead in the world on your own”

Turning it back around to the positives, we can stop and listen to a song and it can completely change our world for the better. The lyrics of a song may be soothing to our souls, they may be the answer we've been looking for. Sometimes we can relate to what the artist is singing about, and we feel like we're no longer alone...sometimes the lyrics are the exact expression of what we haven't ourselves been able to express. Songs can comfort us through a difficult time.

"I have come to this ocean, and the waves of fear are starting to grow. The doubts and questions are rising with the tide So I'm clinging to the one sure thing I know … I will hold on to the hand of my Savior. I will hold on with all my might." from Steven Curtis Chapman's song "Hold Onto Jesus" from his Signs of Life album.

"I'm hurting Lord, this world can hit me so hard. Heal me with Your grace. … You are my strength at all times. There is nothing I will fear 'cause You are here. You are my refuge and hope. Quench my thirsty soul. Be alive in my heart, Father I'm praying You are." from "You Are" on The Katinas' album Destiny.

Have you ever really stopped and thought about the kinds of songs you listen to when you're happy? What about when you're sad? Angry? Tired? Stressed? They're not always the same. We try to find songs that match up with how we're feeling, or songs that will make us feel better. But do they? We really need to take more notice of the songs that we allow to minister into our lives, especially when we're feeling vulnerable. What are we singing when we turn on the radio? Do I believe what the artist is singing, or am I just singing it cause it's catchy? No, I don't want to just sing any song...I want the songs that I sing, and the songs that I listen to, to give me strength, to give me guidance, comfort, assurance. They need to align with my beliefs, my values. They shouldn't be down-grading or negative...I don't want to allow negativity to minister into my heart!

Proverbs 4:23 (NIV) – “Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life”

So my challenge to you is that you stop and listen to the lyrics of the songs that you're singing along to. Hear the words and question whether or not you should be singing them. And if not...perhaps adjust your radio dial!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Heart Of Worship

I was thinking about my previous post, and about worship being more than just a song, and I was led to this beautiful worship song. The words line up with what I wrote, and what I've read so far in 'Extravagant Worship' by Darlene Zchech, so I thought I would share it with you! You can view the song at:, if you haven't heard it before, it's definitely worth a listen!

The Heart Of Worship

Verse 1
When the music fades
All is stripped away
And I simply come
Longing just to bring
Something that's of worth
That will bless your heart

I'll bring You more than a song
For a song in itself
Is not what You have required
You search much deeper within
Through the way things appear
You're looking into my heart

I'm coming back to the heart of worship
And it's all about You
It's all about You, Jesus
I'm sorry, Lord, for the thing I've made it
When it's all about You
It's all about You, Jesus

Verse 2
King of endless worth
No one could express
How much you deserve
Though I'm weak and poor
All I have is yours
Every single breath

Chorus x2

Friday, February 6, 2009

Extravagant Worship!

Wayne shared an awesome devotion at music last night, about making sacrifices for God, & how today's sacrifices, will align with tomorrows promises. He shared about sacrifices that he made when he was a child and how, without knowing at the time, they were all in sync with the calling that God has for Him today! AWESOME!
I was absolutely blessed by this and had to question my life (once again). Am I doing all I can to be who God has called me to be? Am I making sacrifices? I could say yes, I go to music practice every Thursday night, that's a sacrifice of my time. I could say yes, I go to church every Sunday, I sing on a roster...but who am I kidding? Certainly not God!

I know that there is so much more of me to give, so much more I could sacrifice. So today, I started reading 'Extravagant Worship' by Darlene Zschech, again. I know that God has called me to be a worship leader, there's no doubt there. But how can I truly lead people into the throne room of God as a worship leader, without first learning how to become an extravagant worshiper in my personal life?

I have to first acknowledge that it's not something that will just happen overnight. Darlene says in her book that there was a time that God gently whispered to her, while in prayer, "Daughter, you're not an extravagant worshiper yet". She realised, through this, that to call yourself an extravagant worshiper, we have to understand that we have a long way to go!

So, what is worship?
'True worship is not about the songs being sung; it is not about the size of the band...Although music is a wonderful expression of worship, it is not in itself the essence of it. The core of worship is when one's heart and soul, and all that is within, adores and connects with the Spirit of God.'
  • involves the giving of ourselves totally to the Lord;
  • should be a way of life, with many facets of expression;
  • must cost us something!

We can see through Bible stories, that 'whenever someone demonstrated extravagant worship, God reacted with extravagant blessing.' So really, why would we, or should I say why would I want to give anything less? Here are some examples of extravagant worshipers:

  • 'Noah lived through extreme circumstances, but he still praised God in the midst of it' (Genesis 8:20-22);
  • 'Abraham was prepared to give it all. He was overgenerous, excessive in his act of worship' (Genesis 22:2; 11-12);
  • 'David wanted to offer a sacrifice to the Lord to stop a plague on the Lord's people'. But he wouldn't give 'a burnt offering that cost him nothing'. (1 Chronicles 21:24).
  • 'When Paul and Silas where in jail, they worshiped God.' (Acts 16:23-35).

Extravagant worship grabs God's attention!

So, in 2009, I want to grow more in God and move closer towards being an 'Extravagant Worshiper'. Not just so that I can be more sensitive to hear God's voice while I'm leading worship at church, but so that I can be EVERYTHING that God has called me to be!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Being Unleashed Together!

So at church last night we were all encouraged to create our own "Unleashed" pictures, so I've been busy creating one for me, one for Zeke, but also one of both of us > > >
I chose to do one together, because when we were prayed for last night, we got a word from God about being 'unleashed' into a ministry 'together'. It's all very exciting, and so in 2009 we're not only stepping up individually to be unleashed into our callings, but also as husband & wife, we're preparing to be unleashed together, for God's perfect plan!

We were so blessed by the words that were prayed over us...infact we actually got a double whammy...2 people prayed for us, each blessing us with a word from God, and the wisdom they have gained by being open and 'available' to God! AWESOME!

Monday, February 2, 2009

Well...I've done it!

Ok, so I didn't think I'd ever become a blogger, but for some reason I decided today that I'd give it a shot. I may not leave a post everyday, perhaps not even every week, but I do want to share my journey with others. The ups, the downs, and the in-betweens!

I've struggled with things in the past that I think have caught up with me, finally, so I've decided that in 2009, I'm gonna allow change to take place in my heart, my mind, my life! Part of this change is being accountable to people. Part of this change includes having this blog. But most of all, the greatest change is allowing God to have complete control of my life! Allowing Him to speak to me through Godly people, through worship, songs, readings, whatever will get my attention; and I will share it on here!

At the end of 2009, I want to read back over my blog entries and know that God used me, that God transformed me, and that I have been UNLEASHED into new ministries, new responsibilities, new relationships...and demonstrate a greater love for our Master!